By: Lloyd Evans

When owning a small business there is a lot of work that has to happen in order for the business to succeed. From having to come up with funds to operate to finding employees operating your own business can be difficult. Having to figure out how to advertise can be an added stress. However, there is no need to do so. Advertising on social media is very beneficial and can help in the long run. A lot of potential customers are online and have social media pages. They are just waiting to be advertised to. It may take some time and effort to be able to learn these skills but hard work often brings great rewards and positive long lasting impacts that can help your business now and in the long run. These tips can help your small business’s social media on the path to success.

Answering the following questions can help you on your path to success: 

What social media networks would be most beneficial for my business?

The answer to this question can be very difficult to decipher. There are many different social media network sites to choose from. From the social side of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. To the more professional and business side like LinkedIn and the form of video advertising from YouTube. This can be a big hassle to think about. However, thinking of these points can help make life a lot easier. What form of advertising would make your product stick out the most? Would it look more persuasive on a video or would it look enticing as a photo. Answering this question can help eliminate the sites that would not fit your narrative. After making this decision you should be on the right track to begin making your ads. 

What form of ad should I use for my product or service?

This question is also important to answer. There is an endless number of types of different ads that each network provides. From carousel ads to ads that can go into your inboxes the opportunities are endless. When it comes to deciding which ads to use some things to think about are: what would be the best place for your ads to pop up? Would it be better for them to be in  a place where users will just scroll through or would it be better if it was sent through a personal message that could grab them with a notification on their phone? Deciding this could definitely help curb some stress. After making this decision then begin testing and keeping track of results of each different ad to see which is the best fit for you and would be most beneficial to your product or service? 

When is it the right time and day to post my advertisements?

This question is very important to answer. Knowing when your potential customers are online can be a great asset. To accomplish this task, what is often recommended is doing a test. Try posting ads at different times of the day. For example, post one ad first thing in the morning, one at noon, one at the beginning of the evening, and one late at night. Then after posting the test ads look at the engagement tracking of each ad to decide what time is the best for your followers. After that you should be able to decide what time is the best time. Using this method is a great way to help make the decision and can help further bring more traffic to you and get users to want your product or service. 

How can I best keep track of my success?

There are a number of different ways that you can keep track of your success. One is by looking at the post itself and seeing how much engagement it has. For example, see how many likes or comments it has against another post. Each social media network should also have a way of showing tracking as well so that you can see which kinds of ads or posts are the best to make for your business. Following the tracking is a great way to ensure success. 

By following this platform you should now be able to advertise on social media Good luck and never be afraid to ask questions.

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